Hi, Marshall:
So, you're saying the property was sold but, for some reason, the deed didn't get recorded. And, as a result, the title to the property never transferred to the new owner. Then, the seller of the property died. Have I got that right?
If so, here is the analysis.
The property taxes continue to accrue no matter what, and the tax bills should show up at the property itself. So, the new owner needs to pay the taxes, or else the property will go through the tax lien process and, eventually, be sold at auction.
As far as updating the title now that the seller is dead, that could be a little more tricky. If the seller signed a deed before passing away, then get that thing recorded at the County Courthouse as soon as possible. If not, then, unfortunately, you're looking at having to go through a probate in order to change the ownership in the public record.
My firm does that kind of work if you need help.
~ Jeff