I am looking at a junior lien foreclosure and the primary mortgage holder has started the foreclosure process but no sale date set yet. Will the junior lien ...
3 months ago
Just bought this month in Miami-Dade a tax deed property that does not exist. Went down to look at it two days ago and the apartment it seems was never built...
3 months ago
How useful are skip traces when trying to locate the owner of a property you are thinking of bidding on?
3 months ago
What is the best county/s in Florida to invest in for flipping ?
6 months ago
What is the best county for a newbie to start flipping land. I know it's different than houses.
11 months ago
Does Property Onion track such properties or has a feature that shows the properties that were not bought at the auction? Or do we need to call the county an...
4 months ago
I am looking to identify experienced attorneys for quiet title process; any references of attorneys?
4 months ago
What is the difference between a judgment and a lien? Does an auction winner have to pay off both of these before receiving the title?
4 months ago
I got a property in Jupiter in auction nearly a year ago. Unfortunately I've run out of money to do anything with it and I need to find a partner or someone ...
5 months ago
Hello club members - When looking at tax deeds, I would expect the "plaintiff" to be the municipality as opposed to a private entity? I am seeing several pla...