Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Damon Simon
Administrator Moderator
2 Questions, 16 Answers
  Active since 14 November 2023
  Last activity 14 days ago


129 + 9 this December 1 28

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1 Votes
5 Answers
1 Votes 5 Answers 2K Views
I am looking to find the owner of a property and the skip traces keep failing to produce any results. It is shown as being owned by a Deleware corperation. W...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 990 Views
We have taken a lot of time creating this verison of PropertyOnion.com and we hope you love it, but what features are missing you would hope are there for th...
11 months ago
0 Can I be notified by email of change of status on a property. For example an auction is cancelled, or the result of an auction?

ABSOLUTELY! All you have todo is click the red heart icon on the property detail page, spreadhseet view or the thumbnail view. This will add the property to your favorites here. When it's status changes from "Upcoming" to "Sold" or "Canceled" you will get an instant email notification.

Here is a video tutorial on how to add a save property.

![Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 7.18.23 AM.png](https://prope...

2 months ago
0 tax liens

This is not a feature yet, tax liens are coming in the near future.

2 months ago
0 Bank foreclosure on property that just had a COA foreclosure

They might have to reforeclosure if the current title holder realizes, he would have grounds to throw out the sale I believe.

2 months ago
0 Auction

You can find it here:

Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 10.42.49 AM.png

20 hours ago
0 How to get a Satisfaction of Mortgage if I pay the Judgment before a foreclosure sale?

I do believe they will need to file the satisfaction in official records. The county can take a week or longer to index it. You need to contact the bank or if you are not on title the owner needs to contact the bank to make sure they filed it, and if they could also send you a copy.

5 days ago
-1 can I get my money back for a non existent tax deed property

Wow, that’s a crazy situation! I can totally see why you’re frustrated. Here’s what I’d suggest doing next:

First Things First:
Double-Check Your Documents: Make sure the property records and the legal description on your deed match up. It’s possible there’s been some kind of mix-up.

Talk to the Tax Collector’s Office: Since this was a tax deed sale, they might have more info or be able to point you in the right direction.

Reach Out to the Building Department: The city or county bui...

3 months ago

Miami Dade County Foreclosure Schedule

Miami Dade County Foreclosure Auctions: