Unlike most other states, Florida does not have a specific procedure to remove squatters. You can file an “unlawful detainer lawsuit.”
Although not required to do so, it is advisable for an individual intending to file an unlawful detainer lawsuit to provide the squatter with the notice of your intentions. This may compel the squatter to leave, and avoid the need to file an unlawful detainer lawsuit. The notice can contain for example: a verbal warning, as there is no requirement that th...
If a property doesn't sell at a tax deed auction in Florida, the person who holds the tax lien is the only one who can get the property. A tax deed sale is a public auction where the property is sold to the highest bidder. The person who bought the tax lien (the tax certificate holder) usually bids the amount they are owed, not actual cash. If no one else bids higher, they win the property.
If the tax lien holder doesn't want it, the property will be put on a List Of Lands Available for sa...
REO (Real Estate Owned) properties are those that have either gone through the foreclosure process and are now owned by the lender, usually a bank or financial institution or are pre-foreclosure and the bank has not completed the foreclosure sale process. Either way, the bank owns the property.
Foreclosures are properties the lender has taken back through the legal process due to the homeowner's inability to keep up with mortgage payments.
Pre-foreclosures are properties that ar...
Hi Spaso, at this present time, we don't have a list of real estate attorneys in Polk County, BUT coming next month, we are implementing a vendors section to our website where we will recommend vetted Attorneys, CPAs, Lenders, & Contractors. The nearest panel attorney to you is Natalia Ouellette-Grice, located at 2901 W Busch Blvd Suite 805, Tampa, FL 33618. Tel: 813 842 6664, email: [email protected] or call (813) 480-2106. Please mention you are a Premium Member of PropertyOnion.com, as ...
In a Florida county foreclosure auction, the IRS has a 120-day redemption period following the sale, during which they can reclaim the property by paying the winning bid amount plus interest. This means that even after you've won the auction, the IRS can potentially take the property back within this timeframe.
You can negotiate with the IRS; I have done this before, which is very time-consuming but doable. The forms are all on the IRS website and relatively easy to complete, but in my ex...
Hi David, if you win a property at a COA
or HOA auction whatever the amount that you paid at auction wipes the lien that led to the foreclosure. However, if there are any other HOA or COA dues outstanding aside from what forced the association to foreclose then these remain, and have to be paid by the new owner. Please remember that we are only talking about a HOA or COA foreclosure and unless you're very lucky there will no doubt still be encumbrances in the form of mortgages still owed to...
I had an answer prepared for you but decided to speak with one of our panel attorneys. Check back here next week for what will be I am sure a clear answer.
There are two ways of doing this; let me give you the simplest. Sometimes, offering the occupants money to leave the property voluntarily (known as "cash for keys") can be a quicker and less costly solution than going through the formal eviction process. Offer them cash in exchange for leaving the property in good working condition, and additionally, if you want, offer to pay their moving costs, it depends on whether there is enough profit in the deal for you to do this; if you are keeping th...
When a property is sold at a tax deed sale, most liens and judgments, including mortgages, are typically extinguished, however there are certain liens that survive a tax deed sale. These may include federal tax liens (which have a 120-day redemption period), certain county or municipal liens, and any liens arising after the property was put up for a tax sale. Also, liens for governmental services like code enforcement can sometimes survive.
Conversely In a mortgage foreclosure sale, the pr...
When a property is sold at a foreclosure auction, the winning bid satisfies the lien that led to the foreclosure, regardless of whether it covers the full amount of the final judgment.