Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escape special characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ - e.g. \+ \* \!
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Revisions 6

5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the selling agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahassee. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. I think they will get SUED again. Any thoughts?
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the selling agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. I think they will get SUED again. Any thoughts?
5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the selling agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. I think they will get SUED again. Any thoughts?
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. I think they will get SUED again. Any thoughts?
5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. I think they will get SUED again. Any thoughts?
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?
5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I reflexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I refexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?
5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I refexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations for almost a month -- with all the legal ripoff jargon. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street in Lake City that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the listing agent and asked him to submit the offer to the listing agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into a brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?
I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I refexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the agent and aksed him to submit the offer to the agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?
5 months ago
Why do I have to sign a new "Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement?"

I was working with an agent from Gainesville doing deals in LAKE CITY. And then the new rules got implemented -- in August -- where the buyer has to pay a commission to the selling agent and this necessitates a buyer/agent agreement. Today, I made an offer on a house using my Gainesville Agent and he sent me all the forms to sign and I refexively singed the new form without even reading it. Later on, I was going through the downloaded documents and read the Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement with its restrictions and obligations. Now, bear in mind that my agent lives and works in Gainesville and I found a house on my street that I wanted to buy ALL CASH. I called up the agent and aksed him to submit the offer to the agent based in Tallahasse. My agent did not lift a finger to help me find that house -- but his brokerage ties me into brokerage agreement that obligates me to pay him 2.5 commission on the transaction. Here is THE KICKER: I have written over 100 offers in my life in REAL ESTATE, so why should I have to go to an agent to write up an offer and present it for me -- at a price? I can design my own offer and send it to the listing agent; in my case I do not need an agent to represent me. But I do not think that will work with the AUTHORITARIAN BOARD OF REALTORS. Any thoughts?

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