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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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Damon Simon
Administrator Moderator
2 Questions, 18 Answers
  Active since 14 November 2023
  Last activity one month ago


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1 Votes
5 Answers
1 Votes 5 Answers 2K Views
I am looking to find the owner of a property and the skip traces keep failing to produce any results. It is shown as being owned by a Deleware corperation. W...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
We have taken a lot of time creating this verison of PropertyOnion.com and we hope you love it, but what features are missing you would hope are there for th...
one year ago
1 Best County to buy Land to flip?

I agree with Phil's comment, Lee is a great place in Florida to grab some land. Look how many Land sales they had in the past 90 days, it's insane!Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 10.11.32 AM.jpg

one year ago
1 Why is the Plaintiff name different from the Mortgage Lender?

There are a few reasons for this.

Firstly the lien listed in the "Liens & Judgements" section could be a different lien than the one foreclosing.

Secondly often times mortgages are "assigned" to other banks, basically they are bought and sold and the foreclosing party ends up being a different name than the original mortgage company listed on the face of the mortgage document. This is evident when the new bank files legal docs against the mortgagor and you see a new name there whic...

7 months ago
1 Quiet Title

When purchasing a property through a Florida county tax deed auction, pursuing a Quiet Title Action is almost always essential. This legal process ensures that no one can later challenge your ownership or claim any interest in the title.

While the county may clear certain liens that are subordinate to the tax lien, they do not guarantee a fully marketable title.

Without a Quiet Title, you cannot obtain title insurance or find a buyer when you decide to sell. For more insights, you can c...

7 months ago
1 Tax Deed Sales & Canadian Investors?

I have worked with Canadians many times when I was flipping condos here in Palm Beach County. Obviously there are plenty of Candian snowbirds here, and they tend to like to winter together here in the various condominium developements.

I think it's a fine idea, but it all depends on what exactly you mean by "connect" when you said "I would like to be able to connect Canadian investors" - are you speaking in a way an agent would, are you an investor? A friend helping friends? The devi...

one year ago
1 Can I buy a foreclosure property or tax lien with a loan?

In Florida, You can get loans once these properties are sold at auction and you have your title. There's no lenders that can give you the money you need before the auction since they can't put a lien on it, and there's no closing. Once you have title there are many lenders that will lend you up to 100% of the value of the property value after repair. So that means if the propety is worth $400,000 fixed up, and it needs $100,000 worth of work, you can get a loan for up to the full $400,000.

10 months ago
1 What are the different levels of building quality? I see alot of C+

Properties are classified into different categories based on their quality not just by investors, but by property appraisers as well, location, and characteristics, commonly referred to as Class A, B, C, and D.

Class A properties are the highest quality buildings, often newly constructed within the last 15 years, featuring top-notch amenities, high-income tenants, and prime locations. These properties demand the highest rents and typically have the lowest vacancy rates, making them a ...

7 months ago
0 Where can I find invoices?

Super easy, just goto the "My Onion" menu in the upper right, click on invoices, and then you cna view/download each one from there.

Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 10.13.32 AM.jpg

one year ago
0 June Putnam County FL Tax Deed Sales

they are updated when the county puts up the appraiser parcel id link The county tends to change details like the address until they do this Some counties post links to correct property 90 days out, some only 10 days out.

10 months ago
0 if you buy hoa lien can this give you any rights over a mortgage

I don't believe this is possible, if it is, it's a well guarded secret. You can buy an HOA lien and fight off the mortgage foreclosure with various defense strategies utilizing a knoweldgeable legal team.

You should read "HOA Foreclosure Play for Big Profits at the County Auction" that Tony wrote a while back.

6 months ago
0 Can I be notified by email of change of status on a property. For example an auction is cancelled, or the result of an auction?

ABSOLUTELY! All you have todo is click the red heart icon on the property detail page, spreadhseet view or the thumbnail view. This will add the property to your favorites here. When it's status changes from "Upcoming" to "Sold" or "Canceled" you will get an instant email notification.

Here is a video tutorial on how to add a save property.

![Screenshot 2024-10-16 at 7.18.23 AM.png](https://prope...

4 months ago
0 tax liens

This is not a feature yet, tax liens are coming in the near future.

4 months ago
0 Bank foreclosure on property that just had a COA foreclosure

They might have to reforeclosure if the current title holder realizes, he would have grounds to throw out the sale I believe.

4 months ago
0 Auction

You can find it here:

Screenshot 2024-12-21 at 10.42.49 AM.png

2 months ago
0 Tax Lein Mentor

Hi Bill, we offer a mentorship and tax lien course. You can read more information here about our Tax Lien Course.

one month ago
0 How to get a Satisfaction of Mortgage if I pay the Judgment before a foreclosure sale?

I do believe they will need to file the satisfaction in official records. The county can take a week or longer to index it. You need to contact the bank or if you are not on title the owner needs to contact the bank to make sure they filed it, and if they could also send you a copy.

2 months ago
-1 Tax Deed vs Foreclosure Implications

Correct on one part of your question.

Tax deed sales in FL will clear all existing liens other than governments as long as they are noticed before the sale properly.

Foreclosure sales only clear what is junior to their lien position. So a 2nd position mortgage foreclosing wouldn't clear the 1st mortgage, but a 1st position mortgage foreclosing would clear the other mortgage.

The HOA or condo association foreclosure wouldn't clear either of them when they foreclose. It's a song an...

8 months ago
-1 can I get my money back for a non existent tax deed property

Wow, that’s a crazy situation! I can totally see why you’re frustrated. Here’s what I’d suggest doing next:

First Things First:
Double-Check Your Documents: Make sure the property records and the legal description on your deed match up. It’s possible there’s been some kind of mix-up.

Talk to the Tax Collector’s Office: Since this was a tax deed sale, they might have more info or be able to point you in the right direction.

Reach Out to the Building Department: The city or county bui...

6 months ago
-1 What is the risk I run on settling/purchasing a tax deed property before it getting to auction?

Your strategy of proactively identifying tax-delinquent properties and making direct offers to owners before they reach the tax deed auction can be a smart move—if done correctly. However, there are key risks and considerations you should be aware of before pursuing this approach.

Understanding the Risk of Existing Liens
When you buy a tax-delinquent property directly from the owner (before it goes to auction), you inherit all existing liens attached to the property. Unlike purchasing...

one month ago

Miami Dade County Foreclosure Schedule

Miami Dade County Foreclosure Auctions: