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Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions / Answered
Does a child support order survive at a tax deed sale?


I am looking at bidding at a tax deed sale coming up and when scanning the county’s records, I found a child support order from 1998 on one of the owners of the property. There is a payoff amount of over $100k. I’m not sure if there was a lien placed on the subject property, but my question is would this survive the tax deed sale? I only find an order to pay for child support on the county records. No lien. I’m getting conflicting answers online. But, if there is one then I read that it wouldn’t last since it’s been over 20 years. I am also reading that only real property can have a lien placed on it for child support, such as boats, cars, mobile homes, etc. and it excludes real estate. I read that in the Florida department of revenue site. Thanks for any input!

Posted 8 months ago
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Hi Julia,
The child support order is typically issued by the department of revenue for the state of Florida. In this case, the lien will likely survive. There may bne a case that it will not survive if it is not attached to the specfic property in question.
For safety I would assume it survives.
Reference Florida statutes
FL 55.10
FL 197.552
FL 197.122

EDIT: For clarification on the timeframe, the state can renew the order and extend it past 20 years. There is a 20 year statute of limitation on a DOR order but they may have extended.

1 Answer
8 months ago
8 months ago
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