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Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions / Answered
Does the Final Judgement always includes unpaid HOA and unpaid taxes?

I would like to know if the Final Judgement always include all debt tied to the property, or is it possible that the final judgement could reflect for example a mortgage foreclosure by the plaintiff ,but unpaid HOA and unpaid taxes may not included in this amount.
Thank you for clarifying this topic.

Posted 4 months ago
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Answers 2

A Final Judgement ONLY includes the amount owed to the Plaintiff.
You may be able to find clues to other lien holders in the "Parties" List from the foreclosure docket. For example an HOA may be listed as a defendant. This only tells you there is an HOA, but not what is owed.
Do not depend on your own research unless you have many years experience. NOTHING replaces a good title search.

Posted 4 months ago

In Florida it does not include any of that. I just wrote a book about proper due diligence before county foreclosure auctions, I would highly recommend anyone planning to bid to "Read this Before you Bid"

HOA and Condo association fees are always owed, there's almost no way to get out of it when it comes to a bank foreclosure in the state of Florida. The taxes are typically paid by the bank that is foreclosing so that the bank's lien doesn't get wiped out by the superior property tax lien.

Posted 4 months ago
Damon Simon
123 × 5 Administrator
2 Answers
4 months ago
4 months ago
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