Normally you can get some idea of whether the property is occupied or not from cars in the driveway, peaking through windows, opening the mailbox, knocking on the door, etc. If there are no signs of someone occupying the property, or you are unable to get in contact with them, you can leave a notice that you're the new owner and to call you within 48 hours or else you will drill the lock.
If there is an occupant in your property (assuming your property is in Florida) and they do not have a bona fide lease, or they refuse to show you one, then we can file a Motion for Writ of possession in your foreclosure case and get permission to get the Sheriff out to give you possession. If you would like more information about a Motion for Writ of Possession on a foreclosure property please contact our office and we can assist you. 1-877-871-8300 www.kelleygrantlaw.com
Best Regards,
Jerron Kelley, Esq.