You will need to find out who the actual Servicer (Lender)
that owned the mortgage that hired the foreclosure attorney.
Since it was NOT foreclosed; find who who the Defendants
(property owners are and do a skip trace). They will know the lender.
That should be listed in the civil foreclosure case for the property
in the county where the property is located.
Were you a Defendant?
did you try to buy the property?
You need a Real Estate Attorney or Detailed Title search
I do believe they will need to file the satisfaction in official records. The county can take a week or longer to index it. You need to contact the bank or if you are not on title the owner needs to contact the bank to make sure they filed it, and if they could also send you a copy.
The attorney for the Plaintiff claims that the Mortgage was "merged" into the Judgment and that No Satisfaction of Mortgage is coming to me.