funny real estate videos

Funny Real Estate Agent Videos

When the real estate agents get desperate, things get funny. Here we have our count down of funny real estate videos. These all made us laugh out loud and we know they will get you chuckling.


#1 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Open House from Hell

Agents and sellers can relate to this excellent rap video about the worst open house & seller ever. Broke Agent sure has a lot of time to make these funny real estate videos, someone get that man some listings, or after seeing his attitude, maybe not!



#2 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Most Creative Listing Video Ever!

This nearly… nearly NSFW clip makes use of a huge advertising & production budget to sell a mega million dollar mansion. Tied up lingerie models, helicopters, swat teams, fancy production, seriously sexist commentary, gotta love them Aussies – wow! I am sure they had no problem getting some eye balls on that property, just not sure it was the right type of viewers. There are a few miami dade foreclosure properties like this one that pop up now and then in the listings minus the lingerie models of course (I think).


#3 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Crazy buyer

As investors and agents we all have that one “buyer from hell” & this video really hits the nail on the funny bone. Watch what happens when this buyer asks her showing agent to go the extra mile for the sale.


#4 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Old Spice Parody

Oh the lengths these guys goto in order to stand out. Sometimes it’s hilarious, sometimes it’s cringe worthy. Now he definitely invoked the Old Spice commercial theme, just didn’t really quite have the physique for it did he? So odd, so funny, this is our third favorite funny real estate video of the year.

#5 “Nice House Baby””

If you survived the 80’s this video will put a smile on your face. Real Estate agent Nicholas Kozak goes where even “Weird Al” Yankovic wouldn’t go (Weird Al has never done a Vanilla Ice Spoof) with “Nice House Baby”, a great parody of Ice Ice Baby of the real estate entrepreneur and 80’s rapper Vanilla Ice. So stop, collaborate and click here.


#6 Zillow? It’s Me

Adele’s “Hello” blockbuster heart wrenching ballad is used to jab at Zillow’s treatment of their agents lead customers. This is a great video that is funny, well produced and surprisingly well sung. Listen to “Zillow? It’s Me” by clicking here.


#7 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Alistar the Know Nothing Agent

Since our founder hails from England, this British comedy routine got the top nod and has been passed around the office all year. This gem features the character “Alistair the Estate Agent” from the British program “Monkey Tousers”. How many of us can relate to the “useless agent” like this guy. Whether you are an investor looking to buy or sell a property or a Real Estate Agent yourself, surely you can relate. The clip below is a short clip of the character, if you like it you can watch another 15 hilarious minutes of Alister by clicking here.


#8 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Epic Real Estate Agent Ad

We all have “Super Agents” in our markets and this takes the concept to the next level. After watching this video you might want to beef up your promos, yours can’t compete with this guy!


#9 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Realistic Condo Tour

This video was passed around the office for a couple days. This listing video is more “charming” than “funny” but it deserves to be in our countdown nonetheless.


#10 “Escrow” Music Video

They say “Millennials” are the biggest upcoming segment in the marketplace, and these agents waste no time relating to their clients. This new video by Minnesota real estate agents Nathan Mills and Travis Metzen with Metzen Realty and Associates CO. guarantees to “make it rain” listings!


#11 Agent Spencer Fritz

We aren’t really sure if this an actual agent video, but it’s funny! Agent Spencer Fritz guarantees to sell your home in 2 years or less, just look at his fax skills!


#12 Adventures of Johnny Nutball Agent Extraordinaire

Johnny Nutball is an agent that just can’t seem to catch a break. He’s walking into his listing on the wrong days, getting into knife fights on other agent’s territories, we all have a guy like this in our brokerage… don’t we?


#13 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Benjamin Beaver Agent

Benjamin Beaver guarantees your house is sold in 7 hours or longer. Truly funny real estate agent promo video. Benjamin Beaver is sure to get the Emmy for funniest comedy clip this year, or a certain number of years after.


#14 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: LA Landman

If you got La La La Land to sell in La La La L.A., you need to call LA La La Land Man so we can get this song out of our heads! Warning, only watch this if you aren’t susceptible to ear worms, this one burrows in deep! La La La…. ok enough!

#15 Ranked Funny Real Estate Video: Funny Open House

This charming real estate agent made a funny video and we are loving it. We know you agents play with our toddlers toys when we aren’t there in between showings, and now we have proof!

That’s our top 10 favorite Funny Real Estate Video clips at our headquarters. If you have some that aren’t on this list, leave the links in the comments so we can pass them around, we need more funny! Also comment with funny real estate pictures as well, always need some laughs in this business.

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Damon Simon

Damon is a real estate investor, a serial entrepreneur, a writer, developer, and a graphic designer. Damon started as a graphic designer in the 90s and quickly created his own affiliate network in the early affiliate marketing boom of 2000's. Next Damon began his real estate career in 2010 and enjoys it as a side hustle when he is not nurturing bits of code & content for his baby,

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