What is The Foreclosure Timeline

What is the Foreclosure Timeline?

Just hearing the word “foreclosure” can send chills down most people’s spines. Simply put, foreclosure is a legal process where a lender (typically a bank) ...

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Get Squatters out of foreclosures

Clever Ways to Get Squatters Off Your Property

Real estate investors incur several risks when they buy and manage properties, but few of those risks are more frustrating than having squatters on the ...

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Landlord Murdered by Tenant that She Tried to Evict!

Landlord Murdered by Tenant that She Tried to Evict!

Be sure you carefully screen tenants thoroughly and be even more careful about how you need to evict a tenant, my dear investors! A Chicago landlord’s ...

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That Boca condo board that won a $395,554 judgment

Woman Owes Boca Condo Association $395,000 for Asking to See Financials!

Real estate prices have skyrocketed in recent years, especially in the Sunshine State. Floridian real estate grew 20% in 2021, outpacing 42 U.S. states. Higher ...

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Can you back out of a foreclosure auction bid

Can You Back Out of a Bid at a Foreclosure Auction?

What is that saying? “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” Alexander Pope may have been referring to the heavenly authority to forgive mistakes, but the ...

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Mortgage payoff amounts

How to Get the Mortgage Payoff Amounts on your Foreclosure Auction Property!

The information that I am about to share with you has sometimes increased my clients’ bottom lines by hundreds of thousands of dollars per property. ...

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The Certificate of Sale Is Not a Certificate of Title, and Why the Difference Matters!

Won an Auction? The Certificate of Sale Entitles you to NOTHING, Here’s Why

The Certificate of Sale Is Not a Certificate of Title, and Why the Difference Matters! Florida foreclosure sales are unique in that the winning bidder receives ...

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How to Raise Rents Without Losing Your Tenants

How to Raise Rents Without Losing Your Tenants

Now that property and rental values are skyrocketing with the peak of the pandemic behind us, it is time to raise rent if you haven’t ...

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Managing Your Own Multifamily Properties as an Investor

Managing Your Own Multifamily Properties as an Investor

Acquiring multifamily properties for investment requires diligence and hard work. But that is just the beginning — how you handle managing multifamily rental complexes makes ...

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Supreme Court throws out Biden administration eviction moratorium

Supreme Court Throws Out the Foreclosure Moratorium!

The Supreme Court strikes down the Biden administration’s latest extension on Thursday.  The Realtor Associations of Alabama and Texas that had their appeal struck down ...

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