The Monthly Peel Vol.10

The Monthly Peel  
Interesting stories, tips & tricks for real estate investors.

Coronavirus Impact on South Florida Real Estate in Q2

We are now seeing the beginning of the housing market impact the Coronavirus pandemic is causing. The current pandemic is causing unprecedented fear in the marketplace. The fear is manifesting partially as logistical issues and partially as pricing pressure. Florida real estate attorneys are already reporting a huge uptick in business due to these issues. Buyers are wanting out of contracts, Sellers are wanting to enforce the contracts, and HOA & Condo Associations won’t play ball. Inspections are being delayed, many buyers can’t travel to get to closings or to properties for final inspections.

Most notable impacts from Coronavirus Emergency this Month:

1. Inspection Issues: Many buyers that were under contract before the quarantine in South Florida are purchasing second properties from up North and out of town.

2. Fear of Property Value Loss: Many buyers are fearful that the market is now in decline and the value of the houses they are buying have already decreased since they went into contract.

3. Banks are trying to back out loans: Currently, we are hearing reports ranging from lenders raising locked-in interest rates, to completely withdrawing from the deal altogether.

4. Buyers are getting stuck with two payments: We have heard reports of Buyers that are stuck making payments on two properties. Buyers that have secured rentals after sale are worried about losing their rental & deposit in case the current house closes next month

5. Cities are not doing their code enforcement and permit inspections: Fix & Flip Investors have reported that completed projects are delayed waiting for inspections that don’t seem to be coming soon.Most municipalities have shut down their offices or are backlogged.

Our team has written a full analysis of current pandemic issues here, we ask if you have seen any other trends or have a coronavirus related story to let us know by replying to this email.

Florida Man Spends Millions of Investors’ Money on Strippers & Cars

A Tampa bay investor used his investment syndicate to raise $5,500,000 for his investors to buy a Colorado legal marijuana business. Federal Official report he instead spent $3,000,000 of the money to pay off personal mortgages, vintage sport cars, bitcoin, and strippers. See the shocking list of his ill gotten treasuresand always do your due diligence before investing!

Trend of Violence Against Women Real Estate Agents

This is our third and final piece on Violence & women in the Real Estate Industry. Why is this violence against women increasing and what can we do to protect these women from being hurt in some way? Ultimately, if you are a real estate agent or investor, it’s important to understand why female real estate agents attacks are increasing and what you can do to protect yourself adequately. Real estate safety experts agree that female real estate agents are targeted because they do work alone. Read more about this disturbing trend against woman in this final installment of our series.

Birth of the Webinar this Thursday at 7PM!

Coming to a quarantine home in your house soon, the webcast on Zoom. The first one is set for the 30th of April at 7pm EST sharp for 1 hour. We had a pretty popular local bar Meetup going for a few months, and with the current emergency obviously that isn’t possible any longer.

Now we have put together a great lineup of speakers hosted by Tony Stern, founder of and expert at County Auctions, as well as a other expert investors from across Florida. Jeff Harrington, our expert Real Estate Attorney with vast experience in Foreclosures and Tax Deeds.

This is going to be big, you don’t want to miss this. Get the full webinar origin story, or if you want to register before the other 500 people do (300/500 seats are taken already) you can pre- register here on Zoom directly free!

How to Create a Biosecure Post-Pandemic House

This pandemic will change & evolve many things about our daily home lives, and our hygiene habits. As we stay home more often now, houses need to evolve to meet our new expectations and norms. Although homes were trending toward being more eco-friendly and “Green” there is going to be a new wave of “Biosecurity” home features in the near future. This is going to be the key to less time on the market, and bigger profits for home builders & flippers.

With off-the-shelf items available today, it’s possible to achieve incredible biosecurity in a new home build. No more door knobs, no more touching faucets or light switches, there will never be a reason to touch anything to interact with your home. See how with this amazing home biosecurity tutorial and get a jump on this new trend to beat the competition with these post- Covid-19 houses!

Top 50 Funny Coronavirus Memes from Q1 2020!

top 50 funny coronavirus memes

There is nothing funny about the current CoronaVirus emergency we are in. We are believers in finding humor in any bad situation to help cope and move away from the negative associated with it.

We are not alone as there are tens of thousands of funny Covid-19 memes being created hourly. These 50 funny Coronavirus memes were passed around our office the most in the past month, we think you will get a chuckle and hopefully make your day.

Rooty the quarantined masoct

So happy you read our email, how’d you like it?

 If there’s anything you liked or didn’t like about this email, please leave comments below and let us know!  We would love to get some ideas of what you might be interested in reading about in our next issue.  If we pick your topic we will give you a $25 gift card as a thank you for the idea!

    Official Mascot

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Damon Simon

Damon is a real estate investor, a serial entrepreneur, a writer, developer, and a graphic designer. Damon started as a graphic designer in the 90s and quickly created his own affiliate network in the early affiliate marketing boom of 2000's. Next Damon began his real estate career in 2010 and enjoys it as a side hustle when he is not nurturing bits of code & content for his baby,

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