Squatters rights epidemic

The Squatter Epidemic: The Thieves Are in Control

What happens when thieves are treated like victims, commit crimes without consequences, and get paid for it all? Real estate investors have been finding out ...

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How to Price Your Flip for the 2024 Housing Market

How to Price Your Flip for the 2024 Housing Market

The 2024 Housing Market is going to be a bit different. Real estate flipping is a time-sensitive business. Many investors take out short-term loans with ...

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Get Squatters out of foreclosures

Clever Ways to Get Squatters Off Your Property

Real estate investors incur several risks when they buy and manage properties, but few of those risks are more frustrating than having squatters on the ...

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How to Catch Foreclosure Rescue Scams

This is How to Catch Foreclosure Rescue Scams

Real estate can generate high yields as an investment and provide stability for homeowners. Many people aspire to buy a home, but some people fall ...

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10 Ways of Making Your Investments Work for You in 2024

10 Ways of Making Your Investments Work for You in 2024

Real estate is a timeless investment because people always need places to live. These assets are useful hedges against inflation and give investors many tax ...

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why there is no 2023 housing market crash

Why There Will Be No 2023 Housing Market Crash!

Narratives of a real estate market crash loomed large in 2023 and for good reasons. Rising interest rates, high inflation, and an overheated real estate ...

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How to Invest in Properties for a Coming Recession in 2024

How to Invest in Properties for a Coming Recession in 2024

Real estate investing has been extremely volatile since the pandemic. Near zero interest rates, rampant inflation, housing shortages, supply chain issues, and a financial stimulus ...

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New Scam That Targets Airbnb Hosts

Scam That Targets Airbnb Hosts – Watch Out!

Airbnb has helped property owners make money by renting rooms and units. The company’s recent expansion into experiences provides homeowners with additional income streams. You ...

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housing crisis in south florida

Solutions for the Housing Crisis in South Florida

The Sunshine State has seen rapid population growth since the invention of air conditioning, but it has felt more rapid since the pandemic. Florida led ...

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How to Spot a Rental Scam!

How to Spot a Rental Scam!

Real estate presents many opportunities for investors. Flipping, wholesaling, rental properties, and tax deductions are some of the advantages you will find in this asset. ...

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