Valentines Day

Finding That “Special Investment Property” for Valentine’s Day!

Buying a home is a lot like falling in love. It’s a process like dating and finding the right match, that special someone you feel comfortable with! You want to establish your deal breakers like you do in any relationship; is your investment property going to be in the right area? Is it the right property to fix and flip?

If you are going to fix and flip in a timely manner to get the best return on your investment, will you be able to find your “dream team” to connect all the dots? Once you have fixed it up, can it be rented out to to give you that passive income you have been dreaming of?

Like dating, you begin to narrow down all the choices before you find the right investment property to possibly bid on at a foreclosure auction. You do all your research on to find the upcoming foreclosure auction or tax deed sale. You set up a date when you have found the right match that works for your investment goals!

Eventually you find the one, two, or maybe several properties. You bid at auction and hey, presto, it’s yours! Like dating and falling in love, you experience a rollercoaster of emotions when you become a serious real estate investor.

Once you get serious about your investment goals and you begin your own personal relationships with your contractors, CPAs, attorneys, and favored real estate agent, maybe you can switch your attention to preparing your homes for that once-a-year special holiday Valentine’s Day! Here’s some tips to get you started.


Lighting is so important in setting up a warm, cozy, and loving atmosphere in your home. Get rid of those bright lights and switch to a softer glow to create a serene and intimate feel. Couple that with candles for a sensual feel. You can create a romantic corner with a dimly light candle — let the romance begin!


You have to say it with flowers on V-Day. Don’t just place your flowers in a regular boring vase but in a unique way all over your home. Put petals in a bowl filled with water and add floating candles. Place rose petals all over the floor as a loving gesture.

Flowers have always been seen as a special way to brighten up a home, especially on Valentine’s Day. Fun fact: Red Roses as a romantic symbol date back to ancient Rome. It was the favorite posy of Venus, the Roman goddess of love!


Set the mood with a scent and let the soothing aromatic aroma fill the air in your love shack. There are so many ways to achieve this, such as aromatic candles and sweet-scented flowers.

You can also burn some essential oils in a diffuser to create a sensuous ambience. Did you know that ylang ylang is rumored to be a passion booster?

Satin Sheets

When it comes to switching it up for Valentine’s Day, invest in some luxurious and soft satin sheets. Don’t limit yourself to a red color, although that is fun, but pick your partner’s favorite color. Imagine the smoothness of satin sheets against your skin!

Chocolates for Fun

Forget the diet on V-Day and treat yourself and your partner to their favorite luxurious chocolates. All the best brands offer heart-shaped goodies to fill your fridge on this special day.

Fun fact: Richard Cadbury of Cadbury Chocolate began packaging his family’s product in beautiful heart-shaped boxes to drive up sales. That was back in the 1860s! This grew an industry that now counts some 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate sold annually.

Seasonal Drinks Bar

How about creating a fun-filled red bar on the day? Think a gorgeous rosé wine, a wonderful Merlot, or a Campari, which was originally colored with carmine dye, derived from crushed cochineal insects! That’s how Campari got its distinctive red color. Don’t forget to place a strawberry on top!

Don’t be afraid to go with the classics though! Nothing says Valentine’s day like a nice bottle of champagne. Especially Pink champagne!

Here’s a list of the top 5 pink champagnes from

  1. Brut Rose 2012
  2. Krug Brut Rosé Champagne
  3. Dom Pérignon Rosé Champagne 2004
  4. Bollinger La Grande Annee Rose 2012
  5. Moet & Chandon Rose Imperial

A Soothing Bath

You’ve just spent money on a gorgeous new jacuzzi tub in your bathroom, so use it! Nothing is more romantic than a sweet-smelling bath on V-Day. Load the tub with your favorite bubble baths, gels, and body washes. Don’t forget the candles either!

Decorating Your Home V-Day Style

Nothing says Valentine’s Day like pops of red set against white. You can use mugs, banners, red heart plates, coasters, and more to transform your home into a pretty vignette. Add some small V-Day signs into your regular décor. Just layer them over existing décor.

You can even add some tea towels with heart shapes into the mix! Add some “LOVE” throw pillows onto your bed or sofa for that extra sweet touch. Just keep it subtle.

Did you know that Cupid, that cute little baby with the bow and arrow, started out way back in 700 BC as the Greeks’ virile and handsome god Eros? It is folklore that he was able to make mortals fall in love (or hate) with his magical arrows. He was remade into Cupid by the Romans around 4th century BC. It wasn’t until the 19th century that Cupid became the face of Valentine’s Day.

And Finally…!

We hope this list has inspired you to treat investing just like you would any romantic relationship. It will have its ups and downs — joy when you win that winning bid and lows when you just missed out! Just like any great relationship, investing in real estate takes time, effort, and lots of nurturing. Good luck, and Happy Valentine’s Day.

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Gina Stern

Gina Stern

Gina Stern is a property investor who has been flipping homes for the past twenty-five years and has had many years of experience in the Real Estate Arena. She is passionate about passing her knowledge and experience onto other investors whether they be newbies or seasoned. Her other great passion is writing, that is why she is very honored to be part of the Property Onion Educational Team. Her specialty has been in commercial investing, mainly investing in shopping centers and strip malls, but she is now excited to be fixing and flipping in retirement communities.

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