What is The Foreclosure Timeline

What is the Foreclosure Timeline?

Just hearing the word “foreclosure” can send chills down most people’s spines. Simply put, foreclosure is a legal process where a lender (typically a bank) ...

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foreclosure up in 2022

Are Foreclosures up in 2022?

While the impacts of COVID-19 aren’t entirely gone, many people believe that life is returning to normal. For many, that means restaurants are open, schools ...

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Foreclosure Predictions for 2022: Could the Real Estate Market Be in for a Dose of Reality?

Let’s get that crystal ball out for one last dust down in 2021 and talk about foreclosure predictions for 2022. The 2021 real estate market ...

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zillow not buying houses anymore

Zillow was Never a Threat, Here’s Why!

Back where I come from in the UK, there's a great saying: "Stick to your knitting."  This roughly translates to "American" as "Do what you ...

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foreclosure auction calendar to search for properties

Using Our Foreclosure Auction Calendar View

An overview of our unique foreclosure auction calendar view mode. This video shows you the way to see all upcoming county foreclosure and tax ...

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Draw on Map To search feature

Walkthrough on Draw on Map to Search

Walkthrough showing how to use our "Draw On Map to Search" feature.  This feature allows you to create a line boundary on our search map ...

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interview with foreclosure auction master Joe Perez

Joe Perez Interview

We sit down for a hard hitting Joe Perez interview and get his take on becoming one of the most successful county foreclosure auction bidders ...

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