The Monthly Peel Vol.11

The Monthly Peel  
Interesting stories, tips & tricks for real estate investors.

How to Invest in Foreclosures, Tax Deeds, & Wholesalers

The fact that you are reading this shows that you have more than a passing interest in Florida Counties Real Estate Foreclosure Auction’s & Florida County Real Estate Tax Deed Foreclosure Auctions.

And your interest should be piqued as the aftermath of COVID-19 will probably leave In some parts of Florida a ravaged Real Estate market.

As a new investor, you are wondering what your options are, you may have a vague idea of what the Florida County Real Estate Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions are, & how they operate, but in reality getting a clear view of how the County Real Estate Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions work, can be confusing.

Our new series “How to Start Investing in County Foreclosure & Tax Deed Auctions, & Wholesalers” was penned by none other than our resident investor expert and founder Tony Stern.

This House was So Haunted, they Couldn’t GIVE it away!

We’ve all heard the stories of the supposedly “Haunted Houses” filled with evil spirits, clanking dinnerware, moving doors and chairs. We skim the story, get a quick chuckle and move on with our day. This one is different, very different as there is a real estate deal, FREE real estate underneath all the ghostly tales.

Let’s backtrack a little to where this tale began: In March, realtor Sylvia McLain shared a property to Facebook that she was looking to get off her hands. Her company, McClain Development, had bought out the land and the home and planned to build on it. Instead of demolishing the property, “we would love to see someone take it to be moved and restored,” she writes, noting that the house was free, albeit, whoever claimed it would have to handle moving and restoration. “In an effort to save the history of the home we are offering it to anyone who would be interested in moving it to another location for restoration,” she explains. Read the rest of this chilling tale.

Zillow Projects Dismal Real Estate Outlook as sales dip 60% Overall

If you were hoping for a quick rebound of the real estate market, you might be waiting for a while. The current COVID-19 pandemic has taken a big bite out of the market, and according to Zillow’s recently published housing market projections, we shouldn’t expect this to change until the end of 2021, or later.

Zillow breaks their projections into three distinct scenarios: Optimistic, Medium, and Pessimistic. 

For those buyers with the means, this might be an opportune time to find bargains on the market. The opposite is true of sellers, who should attempt to hold off listing until the market rebounds. See what Zillow thinksand more importantly why it thinks this way, this time.

Our Next Webcast will be June 25th, 7:00 PM EST – Save the Date!

Last month’s webcast (4-30-2020 webcast replay) was nothing short of a raging triumph, with 500 attendees and a further 420 locked out. We intended to follow last month’s success with another webcast this month and even extended our license with Zoom, who host these events, to allow additional attendees. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone this month’s intended webcast June 25, at 7:00 PM, so please put this date in your calendar, but In any case, we will be notifying you prior to the event. Read the full webcast announcement.

COVID-19 & Growing Impacts on U.S. Tax Sales

You may or may have not noticed that although County Foreclosure Auctions were postponed due to the pandemic, those losing their properties to Tax Deed Sales have had no such reprieve.  Is it just another case of the government getting what they are owed while sticking it to the working man and private sector?  Probably.

Each year in America, $15 billion of property taxes go delinquent. The full financial effects of COVID-19 are yet to be determined but, predictably, 2020-2021 will have the greatest number of late property tax payments in U.S. history. The NTLA estimates as high as $20 billion in delinquent property taxes leaving a gaping hole in local government budgets.

Increasingly, America’s cities and counties will be turning to tax lien sales whereby the local governments’ budgets are fully-funded through private investors who then take on the risk of non-collection.

Read what the National Tax Lien Association (NTLA) believes is coming next for Covid-19 & Tax Liens, and how to help those that need help and keep the ecosystem from collapsing.

Florida’s Covid-19 Spring Housing Bust to Become a Summer Boom?

The typical real estate season has passed here in Florida and thanks to the pandemic it was a bust. The typical “season” runs from Thanksgiving Day to just past Easter at the end of April. Interestingly, this has changed due to many snowbirds staying much longer than anticipated to avoid running back to Covid-19 infested home states of New Jersey and New York especially.

In Palm Beach there has been sale after sale, including a record-setting deal of $105 million.  This was just before the pandemic began with a vengeance that upended the market, but things may be turning around, with realtors and brokers saying they expect a busier summer for these reasons: Read the full story here

Top 49 Funny Real Estate Investor Memes 2020!

funny real estate memes

During this pandemic, many of us alone & scared, it’s important to keep your spirits up. Laughter is the one thing that can not only lighten the mood, relieve stress, release endorphins, and make you happy, but it can also boost your immune system

We collected the top 49 Funny real estate memes of 2020 that have been passing around the office.  We have a very active sense of humor in our offices, won’t you share a laugh with us right now?

Rooty the quarantined masoct

So happy you read our email, how’d you like it?

 If there’s anything you liked or didn’t like about this email, please leave comments below and let us know!  We would love to get some ideas of what you might be interested in reading about in our next issue.  If we pick your topic we will give you a $25 gift card as a thank you for the idea!

    Official Mascot

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Tony Stern

Born and educated in the UK, Tony began his real estate career in 1976. By 1982 Tony launched a real estate development firm. In the 1990’s he created, acquired & sold several companies including Star Refining an international precious metal refining company with offices around the world. Since 2001 Tony has been investing in all aspects of real estate, concentrating on the Florida foreclosure market. Seeing a need to help investors, in 2016 Tony co-founded,

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