Top 10 Front Door Colors Proven to Sell Houses for More!
When it comes to selecting a color for your fresh new flip house, it’s no shock that a new coat of paint can take any house from unappealing to undeniably captivating.
But not everyone has the time or money to spend on repainting an entire home. If you’re looking for a surefire way to make your investment stick out, the front door is the perfect place to start. It’s one of the first things any potential buyer is going to see as they walk up to the home, so why not make a statement?
This is a list of our top 10 front door colors guaranteed to appeal to any investor and add top-dollar value to your flip.
Color #10: White
This is a no-brainer. Everyone has a white door, but repainting yours with a fresh coat will make the front entrance pop.
If you pair this color with another feature, such as brick, this can be an especially good option. The classic combination of stark white and beautiful brick makes any house look elegant and pristine.

Color #9: Pale Blue
Sunny sky blue creates a warm and welcoming environment. This color can be paired with any accents, so no matter what your exterior looks like, pale blue brings out its best.

Pale blue has a modern and simplistic tone which, alongside a white trim, is an instant focal point that makes anyone feel at home.
Color #8: Navy
On the opposite side of the blue spectrum is navy, a rich color that is both soothing and sophisticated. Voted the world’s most calming color, navy is the ideal choice for easing any customer worries.
It can be accentuated by either black or white detailing and goes well against cool or neutral colors. You can change up your door without repainting the entire house!

Color #7: Purple
Some people love a good statement, and this color certainly delivers. It’s not every day you see a purple door, but it will give an elegant feeling to any entrance.
This deep color works best around gold accents (bringing out that royal look) and can add something special to dull-looking houses.

Color #6: Yellow
Sticking with the bold, this sunny color promotes feelings of happiness. It can be paired with warm tones, such as the red of a brick house, or with cool tones like blue or gray. It is sure to be a standout feature of the house and will generate a friendly and inviting aura.
Yellow can be enjoyed in both a muted pastel tone and a vibrant mustard.

Color #5: Dark Gray
This simple neutral is so versatile that you could put it on any house and see a dramatic difference. Its dark tone pulls the eye toward an entrance area with lighter walls, creating a stunning contrast. Dark gray is one of those classic colors that’s always a reliable option.

Color #4: Olive Green
This beautiful color is a soothing neutral that pairs well with almost any exterior. This is particularly useful for extending greenery around a house with little plant life. Olive green is perfect for adding a rustic and natural feeling to your flip.
From a psychology standpoint, it is a color that encourages balance between the head and the heart, perfect for a family home.

Color #3: Dusty Pink
An interesting option that is best against a light background, this sweet color will draw in those who wish to stray from the crowd without screaming their difference. It has a simple yet romantic aura that fosters feelings of safety — the perfect emotion to associate with a future home.

Color #2: Red
Red is an obvious classic that brings a house to life. A red door is visually striking on any house — it immediately grabs attention.
This door will beat the competition and surely bring warmth and excitement to the home for potential homeowners. Those looking for a pop of color against a neutral background can’t go wrong with red.

Color #1: Black
It’s true — black goes with everything. Possibly the number-one door color, black will never do you wrong. Not only is it modern and charming but it also elevates any home immediately. It’s a bold color without being vibrant and holds a weight that gray can never capture.
This one-of-a-kind color brings more than just beauty to a house; it can increase the price people are willing to pay. According to a report from Zillow, black or charcoal front doors can increase the closing price of a property by over $6,000!

When you’re flipping your next home, you want to do everything in your power to get rid of it as quickly as you can at the highest price you can. I used to think that a red door was perfect, but if I’m going to maximize the value of my investment, it’s going to be with a black door.
If your buyer is into feng shui, even better! They will already appreciate its protective, solid energy. And if they’re not, well, a black door just looks great!