How to Price Your Flip for the 2024 Housing Market

How to Price Your Flip for the 2024 Housing Market

The 2024 Housing Market is going to be a bit different. Real estate flipping is a time-sensitive business. Many investors take out short-term loans with ...

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betting on the fed lowering interest rates in 2024

Betting on the Fed Lowering Interest Rates in 2024?

If you’re a betting person, what odds would you give on the Fed lowering interest rates in 2024? To date, the Fed has indicated that it may ...

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Florida Housing Market

2024 Florida Housing Market: The Outlook IS Brighter!

What do you anticipate needing for success in your 2024 real estate investment plan? Whether you are anxious about fluctuating mortgage rates or just beginning your real estate investment ...

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How Will the 2024 Election Affect Real Estate Investors?

How Will the 2024 Election Affect Real Estate Investors?

On 5 November 2024, American voters will cast their ballots for who they want to be the next U.S. president, and the winning candidate will ...

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Investing Based on Predicted Mortgage Rates in 2024

How to Invest Based on 2024 Mortgage Rate Predictions

Real estate investors must consider many factors before putting money into a residential or commercial property. One of the biggest factors is the market’s mortgage ...

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why there is no 2023 housing market crash

Why There Will Be No 2023 Housing Market Crash!

Narratives of a real estate market crash loomed large in 2023 and for good reasons. Rising interest rates, high inflation, and an overheated real estate ...

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How to Invest in Properties for a Coming Recession in 2024

How to Invest in Properties for a Coming Recession in 2024

Real estate investing has been extremely volatile since the pandemic. Near zero interest rates, rampant inflation, housing shortages, supply chain issues, and a financial stimulus ...

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How Interest Rates REALLY Affect Investing

How Interest Rates REALLY Affect Investing

The current economic climate seriously affects real estate investment opportunities, and one of the greatest factors is high interest rates. What specific impacts do high ...

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Top 10 Places to Invest in Ohio for 2023!

Top 10 Places to Invest in Ohio for 2023!

Ohio has a current population of nearly 12 million people. According to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission (LSC), the overall economy of the state is ...

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Is the 2023 Housing Market at a Crossroads?

Is the 2023 Housing Market at a Crossroads?

With home prices having gone up nearly 80% in the past 10 years, it’s natural to wonder if the housing market is due for a ...

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William Genske, Investor