The Monthly Peel V.6

The Monthly Peel - Holiday Edition  Interesting stories, tips & tricks for real estate investors. How some $300k+ Houses are Being sold for $50k, $10k even ...

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Zillow Zestimate Accuracy

Zillow Zestimate Accuracy & Usefulness

As an investor, there's no doubt you have run into Zillow *Zestimate accuracy over and over again in the last 10 years. No longer do ...

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cheap auction sale results

Why are Some Foreclosure Auction Sales so Cheap?

As you look through the previous day’s foreclosure auction results, you see some eye-popping sale prices. Some properties worth $300,000 or more have sold for $50,000, $10,000, and even ...

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Christmas Presents for Real Estate Agents

Christmas Gifts for Real Estate Agents

It’s that time of year again… Holiday gift giving! You have your usual list of people to buy for: family and friends, teachers, bus drivers, ...

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kamikaze bidding

Kamikaze Bidding

Just another $500 you say to yourself as your eyes are glued to the monitor that shows you have just been usurped as the leading ...

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fix and flip a property

How to Best Design your Fix and Flip House

Congratulations! You’ve just won a new-to-you home at your local county foreclosure auction with our help of course. It’s exciting! You probably already have a ...

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Home Staging your Fix & Flip for Bigger & Faster Payday

Throughout this fix and flip journey you’ve taken special care to prepare the home in way that appeals to the average home buyer in your area. You ...

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Flat Fee MLS Listing Service

How to Save Big with a Flat Fee MLS Listing Service

You’ve just bought your Broward County Foreclosure property at auction. You’ve decided after inspection you are just going to put lipstick on that pig with ...

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The Monthly Peel Thanksgiving

The Monthly Peel V.5

The Monthly Peel - Thanksgiving Edition  Interesting stories, tips & tricks for real estate investors. Do your Own Free Lien Search! Plowing through the auction lists even ...

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FSBO vs Agent

Should you Hire an Agent or Sell Your Flip Yourself?

You bought that great deal at auction using our advanced foreclosure search tools. You want to keep it a great deal. Do you sell it yourself (for ...

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William Genske, Investor